MMM – Mediawijs door Media Maken – Media literacy through Making Media


MMM @ Media Literacy Conference in Jamaica

Ons team gaat het project MMM presenteren tijdens de  Global MIL Week 2017 Feature Conference in Jamaica.

Datum: 25 October 2017.

Naam van de sessie: “MIL for social inclusion, dialogue, and development (culture, gender, ethnicity, religion, and capabilities)” 


About the MIL conference

The feature conference of Global MIL Week 2017 is the Seventh Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) Conference. It will be held in Jamaica under the same theme as the Global MIL Week 2017 from 24-27 October 2017, at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston. Special emphasis will be placed on the youth, at the Global MIL Week Youth Agenda Forum, pre-conference, to take place on October 24, 2017, at The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica.


The feature conference will explore how stakeholders interpret ways of educating citizens in MIL in all types of environments. It will focus on the global status of research and practice about the significance of MIL as a way to transform present and future information and learning environments. The aim is to build more bridges between learning outside of the classroom and learning inside the classroom. In addition, the conference will contribute to making learning a process of social change, which fosters human rights online and offline and which constructs a new citizenship identity based on critical civic participation and intercultural dialogue.